December 31, 2015

2015 was the year of change. For the first time in the 5 years of doing triathlons, I decided to leave my Coach and my team. It wasnt an easy decision, but it was the right one. And it paid off immediately. With my new coach’s different approach, my swim and bike improved significantly.
Coming from a year in 2014 with PR’s across the board, i didnt expect to be able replicate or even come close. But i was wrong :)
Olympic PR
Ironman 70.3 - PR
Ironman - PR (plus PR in the Swim and Bike legs separately)
I also had my first two podiums since leaving the Clydesdale Division, a couple years ago. I was very proud of that !
I qualified for the USA Olympic Distance Triathlon National Championships, for the third time. This time, I qualified three times - with my results from three different races. Neat !!!
I once again qualified for IM AWA, this time having achieved Ironman All World Athlete Silver Level, meaning I was in the top 5% in my Age Group Worldwide (another goal i never thought possible). I qualified for Silver in two of three categories:
Overall (Ironman and Ironman 70.3 combined) - where I ended up 18th overall in my Country Ranking for all athletes in my age group in Brazil
Ironman - where I ended up 12th overall in my Country Ranking for all athletes in my age group in Brazil
2016 is looking very exciting. I am doing three Ironman races, for the first time. I also have been selected to be part of Team Zoot. I am very excited about this opportunity. Looking forward to great things in 2016 !!!